Weekly Newsletter

Morning Service at 10.30 am on Sunday 19th January 2025 at Redwell School.


Message from the Vicar:

  ‘Connecting with Jesus, with each other, with the community’


100 for 100 project:

After receiving another grant at the weekend we now have £52,200 in the pot to employ a part time children’s and youth worker!!!!  £65,000 will allow us to employ someone for 30 hrs a week (term time) for 3 years.  we’d like to encourage and inspire us as a congregation to raise £10,000 towards that goal in this next year by launching the ‘100 for 100’ project.  Please read details below under ‘extra news’.

Weekly Services:

Sunday morning:

This Sunday is a communion service.


Midweek Service:

Please note a slight change in start time which is now 2.30pm instead of 2pm.


Extra News

The ‘100 for 100’ Project:

We have £52,000 in the pot ready to start employing a new part time children’s and youth worker from September!  I am praying for £65,000 which means we can start someone on a 30 hr a week contract (term time) for an initial period of 3 years – I am so encouraged by this and am planning on getting to the target in two ways:

i)Further grants.

ii)Raising £10,000 as a congregation.

We have more than 100 people in the congregation, including children and young people, and if we each can find a way of raising £100 (this year) then we’ll raise £10,000 collectively!  I don’t want this to be a heavy burden on anyone but I hope it gives us something to be inspired by, because we believe this to be important.  

In raising the money I want to attach 2 suggestions!

-Firstly, we have fun (either because we’re doing something we enjoy and/or because it enables us to connect with one another more)

-Secondly, we do something that is missional (connecting with the wider community, whether that’s our family, friends, neighbours, wider in the parish, work colleagues)

Can I suggest that over the next couple of weeks or so you perhaps talk together with your household, or with your connect group or with a group of friends.  Maybe two or more families can get together?  

And when we’re thinking about what to do – think about what you really enjoy doing.  Think about what do your friends like doing.  And do those things.  It’s sometimes easy to think well I can’t do that. But if I approach this with a ‘well what can I do’, we may be very surprised at what is possible.  And if you really think you can’t do anything but you’d like to simply donate then please just do that.  This isn’t meant to be a heavy thing.  But I’m so aware that there are others out there who want to give to things, when inspired and given the opportunity.

Here’s some ideas:

-Doing a car boot sale, sell stuff you’ve been meaning to get rid of 

-Maybe host and cook for friends

-Wash cars

-Could you do something in your work places?

-Bake sales at the schools

-Summer drink stops (ask for donations this year instead of it being free and maybe do it in different places around the parish)

-Make things to sell

-Maybe young people you can get together to do a few events, or do you have a skill you can teach someone that others are willing to pay for.

-Host a cheese and wine evening with your friends or neighbours, or tea and cake

-Maybe you decide to do an extra shift at work and tell your employers, I’m doing this so I can donate this money towards this project

-Are you sporty, are you musical/theatrical/are you creative/do you like films/do you like board games, can you use any of this in some way?

-Those who are in leadership in our under 18s ministry teams, can we run events to enable those who benefit from these groups to donate?

-Maybe we can ask our schools if they could have a mufty day and each child pays £1?

-Perhaps you can take on a challenge and get sponsorship, is there something you’ve been really wanting to do – the 3 peaks challenge, or abseiling or something!!

In this way, we have fun, be creative, expand the presence of God’s kingdom and the ministry of the church…..and raise £10,000.

From this Sunday we’ll have a designated box that’s called the ‘100 for 100’ box!  So as and when you raise your money just put it in there, every week on a Sunday.  Please don’t put it in an envelope so we can claim the gift aid on it.  It doesn’t matter who the money comes from, no-one is keeping a watch but through out the year just keep putting it in and periodically we’ll let the church know how we’re doing.  As well as a finance update it would be really good to every now and then hear one another’s stories of how we’re raising the money.  Wouldn’t it be good if this initiative did more than raise money but enabled us as a church to become more connected with each other and, enabled others to get involved in the church and begin to journey towards a relationship with Jesus.

Parish Pioneers: 

Would you like the opportunity to dream and think of new ways of reaching our whole parish, all 3 housing estates? ! 

You will know that at least two years ago we developed a group for those who were interested in specifically reaching our new housing estate, Glenvale Park.  While most of the congregation has been involved it was in this group that many ideas were formed and acted upon – the church gazebo, summer community days, summer drink stop, Glenvale outdoor carols, toddler group in the care home, coffee/cake/chat, Monday lunch time walks, midweek service at the care home and probably more that I’ve forgotten!   And it has been extremely fruitful. 

The group had spent time considering starting a second congregation at Glenvale, something completely different (café church / forest church / Lego church for example).  But with the decision to move Sunday morning worship to Glenvale Church of England School, the group feels we need to make this significant change first and put on hold the idea of a second congregation for at least a year once we move. 

With that in mind, the group would like to repurpose itself into being a place where we can ask ourselves the question ‘how can we be present in such a way as to make new disciples’ across the whole of our parish, not just Glenvale Park?  Some may have been put off initially as the group was focussed on Glenvale but the group will now be focussed around all 3 housing estates.  

We will continue meeting for breakfast once every couple of months but instead of being at the vicarage we’re going to buy breakfast at the Ock ’n’ Dough – eat while we talk and dream!  

The next meet up is Saturday, 1st March 2025 at 9am @ the Ock ’n’ Dough.  Just let me know if you’re coming.

Parish Prayer:     

Please join us for weekly parish prayer on Tuesday mornings at 11am, either in person at the vicarage or via zoom (the link is sent round every week via email).


Prayer Chain:

If you would like to send a prayer request to the prayer chain, or join the prayer chain, please contact Jackie Brooks Cheesman: jackiebrookscheesman@yahoo.co.uk



Thank you to you all for your sacrificial giving.  If you would like to give to the work and ministry of the church please collect a form from the table at church which will enable you to give via the recommended route of the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).  However, people are welcome to give in whatever way suits them and please consider gift aiding your contribution so that the church receives an extra 25%.

Please contact Helen Cracknell for more information: helen.hollwey@gmail.com



Recommended reading:

You can now find on the church website our ‘recommended reading list’.  Very often we recommend books related to a particular sermon series or that are being read as part of the reading group, so here is the link that will take you straight to that part of the website:

Recommended Reading/ Watching – North Wellingborough Anglican Church (nwanglicanchurch.co.uk)  


Connect Groups:

Connect Group Facilitators: 

  • Monday afternoon (fortnightly 2-4pm): Carol Maycock 
  • Monday evening (fortnightly 7pm): Elizabeth Holbrook
  • Monday evening (fortnightly 8pm): Ben & Livvi Haughton-Scales
  • Wednesday evening (fortnightly 7.30pm): Ruth Wium
  • Thursday morning (fortnightly 10.00am): Alan Palmer



Wholeness in Jesus/wellbeing

Creations Craft Group:



As God’s distinctive community we want to be a church that is safe for everyone.  Where there are safeguarding concerns please talk to me (or if I am away, to John Gilyead our parish safeguarding officer) as soon as they arise.  Even if you’re not sure, just talk to me anyway….please. Dawn.


Church contacts and ways to connect with us 

Revd. Dawn Airey – Vicar:


Revd. Ben Haughton-Scales – Curate:             


Revd. Livvi Haughton-Scales – Curate:


Amanda Allen – Parish Administrator:


(Staff day off is Friday)


Matt Ellson – Churchwarden:


Elizabeth Holbrook – Churchwarden:


John Gilyead – Parish Safeguarding Officer



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gleneagleschurchwellingborough?igsh=MTk2aWN1aWpoOXBtZQ==

Website: https://www.nwanglicanchurch.co.uk/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GleneaglesChurch

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH2ajsMBC7RLkWjTmRvj38g