Weekly Newsletter

Morning Service at 10.30 am on Sunday 8th September at Redwell School.


Message from the Vicar:

  ‘Connecting with Jesus, with each other, with the community’



I hope everyone has managed to get some rest and perhaps a bit of fun over summer too.  I’m looking forward to this new term and all that the Lord has in store for us.  But most of all I’m looking forward to facing whatever this next term brings in the company of one another.

Our fortnightly Connect Groups will be getting going again in the next couple of weeks and all groups will be focussing on the same material from the SHAPE course.  It’s an opportunity, whatever stage of life we are, to ask the Father, how have you uniquely created me?   All of which I hope will be affirming, encouraging and for some life transforming.  There will be an opportunity at the end, for those who would appreciate it, to meet with either Ben, Livvi or I to talk through what you’ve discovered and what it might mean for how you want to spend your time and energy both in and outside our paid employment and, in living out what the Lord has called you to in this parish and beyond.

If you are not yet part of a Connect Group please speak to me asap!


Weekly Services:

Sunday morning:

This Sunday there will be the usual groups for under 18s.
Next Sunday is our full immersion baptism service.


Midweek Service:


Extra News:

It is with both sadness and joy that I let the church know that Gordon and Jane Bell have decided to worship in a church with a more traditional style.  They have both loved being part of church family with us but feel it’s time to move on.  Gordon will stay until we have another person who can replace him on the PA team.


Parish Prayer:     

Parish prayer will resume Tuesday 10th September, 11-11.30am at the Vicarage.  You can join in person or via zoom.



Prayer Chain:

If you would like to send a prayer request to the prayer chain, or join the prayer chain, please contact Jackie Brooks Cheesman: jackiebrookscheesman@yahoo.co.uk



Thank you to you all for your sacrificial giving.  It’s great to see that our giving has gone up.  There is more to do and if you would like to give to the work and ministry of the church please collect a form from the table at church which will enable you to give via the recommended route of the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).  However, people are welcome to give in whatever way suits them and please consider gift aiding your contribution so that the church receives an extra 25%.

Please contact Helen Cracknell for more information: helen.hollwey@gmail.com



Recommended reading:

You can now find on the church website our ‘recommended reading list’.  Very often we recommend books related to a particular sermon series or that are being read as part of the reading group, so here is the link that will take you straight to that part of the website:

Recommended Reading – North Wellingborough Anglican Church (nwanglicanchurch.co.uk) 


Tuesday Teaching Evenings:

Our next extra teaching series will be the SHAPE course.  Instead of offering this on a separate evening, every Connect Group will do it.  Please consider joining a group for this purpose.  


Connect Groups:


Connect Group Facilitators: 

  • Monday afternoon (fortnightly 2-4pm): Carol Maycock 
  • Monday evening (fortnightly 7pm): Elizabeth Holbrook
  • Monday evening (fortnightly 8pm): Ben & Livvi Haughton-Scales
  • Wednesday evening (fortnightly at 7.45pm): Dawn Airey
  • Thursday morning (fortnightly 10.00am): Alan Palmer


Under 18’s:

Our under 18s groups are resting this week and next.


Wholeness in Jesus/wellbeing:

Bereavement Support Group:

The Bereavement Support Group has been led by Valerie who has come to the decision to not re-open in September.  Valerie has done an excellent job in supporting people who are bereaved but the in person group has not been as well used as hoped.  The Facebook group has 85 members and will continue. 



As God’s distinctive community we want to be a church that is safe for everyone.  Where there are safeguarding concerns please talk to me (or if I am away, to John Gilyead our parish safeguarding officer) as soon as they arise.  Even if you’re not sure, just talk to me anyway….please. Dawn.


Church contacts and ways to connect with us 

Revd. Dawn Airey – Vicar:


Revd. Ben Haughton-Scales – Curate:             


Revd. Livvi Haughton-Scales – Curate:


Amanda Allen – Parish Administrator:


(Staff day off is Friday)


Matt Ellson – Churchwarden:


Elizabeth Holbrook – Churchwarden:


John Gilyead – Parish Safeguarding Officer



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gleneagleschurchwellingborough?igsh=MTk2aWN1aWpoOXBtZQ==

Website: https://www.nwanglicanchurch.co.uk/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GleneaglesChurch

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH2ajsMBC7RLkWjTmRvj38g