Coming soon!
Watch this space.
is Our Responsibility
Safeguarding is a priority at Gleneagles church. We have adopted government and Church of England guidelines on the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and good working practice, including safer recruitment of volunteers and paid workers.
For details of how to contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer and other resources click here.
Action to be taken in the event of a potential issue
- If there is concern that a child or vulnerable adult is at risk of harm, inform the Parish Safeguarding Officer or Incumbent who will take advice from the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) or Local Authority Social Care. If the incumbent is implicated, inform the DSA.
- If there is concern that a child or vulnerable adult has been harmed, immediately inform the Parish Safeguarding Officer or Assistant or Incumbent or DSA and agree who will make the referral to Local Authority Social Care team. If no-one is available, contact the Local Authority Social Care Team or Police directly.
Important contacts:
Vicar - Dawn Airey (01933 673324)
Parish Safeguarding Officer - John Gilyead (01933 402744)
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Victoria Kellett
Everyone is welcome.

Dawn Airey - The Vicar
At North Wellingborough Anglican Church (previously Gleneagles Anglican Church - we are legally North Wellingborough Anglican Church, reflecting all of the parish, and are in the process of changing logo, etc), we want to be
- with Jesus
- with each other
- with the Community
Our Vicar is Dawn Airey and she can be contacted on
Please click on the link to view the Vision Booklet.
The Parish of North Wellingborough Anglican Church incorporates the following communities:
- Gleneagles Estate
- Artists (Redwell Farm) Estate
- Glenvale Park
You can find us on:
Website: https://www.
Instagram: @gleneagleschurchwellingborough
Weekly Prayer
To participate, you can either join Dawn at the Vicarage or on Zoom. A link will be provided by email to church members close to the meeting start time. If you cannot join us please send your prayer requests or prayer suggestions to Revd Dawn Airey on:
See also This Week's Prayers and Praise
And for a Bible Verse of the Day check out
Latest News
PCC Meeting Minutes for 1st July 2024
Minutes of the PCC Meeting Held on Monday 1st July 2024 More...
Community Days at Glenvale Park
Click here for a short 1 minute video. More...
We have more baptisms coming up on the third Sunday in September (15th September 2024). More...
Coming Soon!
If you feel like a break on a Wednesday afternoon for a quick drink and to meet others, join us for More...
Join us on Sunday 19th May for full submersion baptisms during our Service. More...
Midweek Service at Gleneagles Park Nursing Home
In case you missed it, we run a midweek short service in addition to our main Sunday service. All arMore...