Minutes of the PCC Meeting
Held on Monday 18th March 2024
Action | ||
1 | The meeting opened at 19.05 with prayer. | |
2 | Attendance | |
· Dawn Airey (Chair), Fiona Clarke (Secretary), Helen Cracknell, Marion Darker, Heidi Ellson, Livvi Haughton-Scales, Alan Palmer, Sally Quincey.
· Lis Wells (Treasurer) attended for the first few minutes to answer any questions regarding the finances, which was discussed as the first item on the agenda. · Ben Haughton-Scales joined at 20.30. · Apologies: Jane Bell, Melanie Hartung, Ben Haughton-Scales, Elizabeth Holbrook, Rob Seaman. · David Wells has, unfortunately, needed to step down from the churchwarden post due to increased personal pressures. His service has been greatly appreciated and he will be missed.
3 | Previous Minutes | |
The Minutes of the Meeting held on29th January 2024 were agreed by all who were present.
4 | Matters Arising | |
5 | Update on Key Priorities – See Appendices 1 – 3. | |
1. Discipleship (DA) –
· Nothing to add
2. Under 18s (DA-under 11s/ BHS- youth) · Bubble Church – o Originally started in London, it consists of: § 15 minutes over snack time. § God song with actions. § Message, using puppets. § Bible story. o This has been run in Wellitots and their numbers have increased to about 10 households each session. o LHS will ask for feedback at the end of the trial period.
· Ignite – o Ignite will no longer be running when RS moves on, in June, unless someone comes forward to run it.
· Youth – o SQ asked if the young adults could help with Good Friday activities. LHS advised that they had already been asked but she will remind them and ask for volunteers.
3. Wholeness in Jesus/ Wellbeing (DA); Prayer (JBC). – · Reading Group – o This is likely to stop when RS leaves in June.
· Care Home Service – o BHS, LHS and DA will continue to hold the services in the Care Home. |
6 | Finance – See Appendix 4 + 4a | |
Treasurers Report (LW) – Lis W (Treasurer) attended the meeting.
· See Appendix 4a for the questions arising from the meeting 29/1/24 sent to her, in response to which: 1. Starting balance was £9,000.00 credit and it ended at £1,000.00 credit. 2. The Sum Up card reader costs £21.00 each month, which includes broadband and transaction fees. Lis will add another code so that it will appear as a separate item. 3. The architect was paid but it did not show in the figures.
· Budget o A budget has not yet been set for this year, so we are using last year’s budget. o In future, the budget should be set at the beginning of November for the following year and the PCC should agree the budget at the November PCC meeting.
· Audit of the accounts: o An auditor (independent examiner) is needed as soon as possible. o The accounts need to be audited before the APCM. o Lis will give the folders to the auditor once appointed. o AP to contact Brin Smart as a possible independent examiner. o SQ’s friend Gwen is another possibility. o Lis should advise the PCC who she wants to audit the accounts the following year. So that the PCC can agree this after the APCM.
· Giving o Lis will re-journal the accounts to show Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) and Gift Aid. o Giving was down on last year. o Online giving has reduced but weekly giving has increased. o Lis will speak to Jem Cox to determine if PGS has reduced.
· Tally form. o Some people are using cash to pay for activities, e.g., Ignite. A form of some sort is needed to tally the amounts taken. o Lis will decide what needs to be on the form and liaise with Amanda (Parish Administrator) to design a simple form for this purpose that she can send to Group Leaders to complete and submit with funds collected at each activity/ event.
7 | Parish update – see Appendix 5 | |
· changing the church name and boundaries.
o Currently waiting for the legalities to be completed. o Once changed, we will need to change: § The church’s charity number. § The name on the church’s bank accounts. § The website. § The church logo.
· Gleneagles Land. o The asking price for the land by the Ock n Dough is £500,000.00. o After discussion, it was decided that further information is needed from Paul at Compass church as to whether they just need a plot of land to relocate their church, or whether they envisage spreading their church into the surrounding area and thus encroaching on Gleneagles parish. DA to discuss this further with Paul.
DA proposed that we wait before making a decision and ask Compass to revisit in six months. HE seconded. AP abstained but all others were in agreement.
DA |
8 | Approving new church groups/activities | |
New Toddler Group at Glenvale –
· People are available to run the group – MD, EH, Judy Meleleu. · Not a trial but its effectiveness will be monitored, although no time limit for this will be set. · Low cost to the church – The Care Home has offered itself as a venue and residents can join if they wish. · Only concern is for people, already serving the church in other ways, possibly taking on too much. However, different people are happy to help with this rather than other church activities. · A flyer could be disseminated via Facebook.
Proposal DA – to start a new toddler group at Glenvale Park. FC seconded, all were in favour.
9 | Safeguarding Report – See Appendix 6 | |
· The Church of England require DBS renewals every three years for PCC members.
· Some on the PCC still need to renew DBS but as a church we are doing all that we can to keep up to date re Safer Recruiting, and processes are in place for anyone taking on a new role.
10 | Deanery synod Report – See Appendix 7 | |
· HE is stepping down from the role due to increasing work demands.
· Nothing to add
11 | Church and Glenvale Park School – See Appendix 8 | |
· Redwell School’s Trust make the decisions for the school, so things can change, despite the church having a good relationship with the Head, e.g., the Hub may be used for something else, so the church may no longer have access to it for activities.
· If the church moves to Glenvale Park School, monthly assemblies and weekly wellbeing groups will continue to be held at Redwell School. · DA will discuss further with Glenvale.
DA |
12 | Community Days Inflatable – See Appendix 9 | |
The PCC decided not to have a second inflatable this year.
13 | Parish Weekend Away – See Appendix 10 | |
This discussion has been postponed until the next PCC meeting in April.
14 | Dates of next meetings: | |
PCC meetings:
· Monday 29th April 2024 at 19.00 to agree reports for APCM. APCM · Sunday 26th May 2024 during the morning service.
15 | The meeting closed with prayer at 21.25.
Appendix 1 – update on Key priority 1: Discipleship
Connect Groups:
Greg was the Connect Group coordinator; I am going to take that role on for now. We tend to meet as facilitators every couple of months.
There are numerous new people to the church, some of whom are beginning to make their way into a Connect Group, but many are not yet. It takes time for a change to be embedded and I think I am going to make it a focus of what I say at the APCM again.
- We have five groups which are all fortnightly (thank you to Alan Palmer for taking on the Thursday morning group):
- Monday afternoon (Carol Maycock)
- Monday evening (Elizabeth Holbrook)
- Wednesday evening (Rob S)
- Wednesday evening (Ben & Livvi)
- Thursday morning (Alan Palmer)
Tuesday Teaching:
We are taking a break from offering extra teaching on Tuesday evenings to make space for Rob, Maria, Ben and Livvi to run the Alpha course, now on Monday evenings. Alpha started on the 22nd Jan with 6 participants and it is going really well. All the leaders find it one of the most encouraging things they do.
No decisions for the PCC to make.
Revd. DA
Appendix 2 – Under 18s
Under 11s
The Children’s work continues as follows:
Children’s ministry:
- We have had someone else join the Sunday morning Rota to help with the children’s group – thank you Ihuoma! Sally Q will be stepping down from all her church responsibilities from Easter and Louise has offered to fill Sally’s role as a children’s leader after Easter, just once a month.
- Rob S continues to lead Ignite and there have been no changes in the team. The numbers for Ignite had remained very low and unsustainable until we took an assembly in Jan. The numbers are now sustainably higher, mid to high 20’s. Rob is due to leave the beginning of June ahead of ordination and if the club is to continue a new leader will need to be found. Currently, there isn’t anyone in the team who feels they can do this
- All groups continue using the Energize resource.
- Redwell School
Ben and I have started another two wellbeing groups with year 5.
Livvi is now doing monthly in person assemblies. We continue to have a very warm relationship with the Head who has asked us to be present at various other events in the school life. We will be delivering 3 Easter assemblies to the whole school during Holy Week covering the events of the last week of Jesus’s life on earth.
- Glenvale Park School
See separate report reference a new proposal.
At the time of writing, I have been invited to meet with the chair of Governors from Wilby School, and to a planning meeting looking at naming the new school.
- Wellitots
Wellitots continues to work really well in the Hub at Redwell School and generally have around 10 households coming each week. There are many more on our list now. Livvi and I are about to start trialing ‘Bubble Church’. We’d like to try it for 4 weeks at Wellitots to see what parents think and how the children respond. The intention is to use it as part of a potential new toddler group at Glenvale Park. Let’s see what happens.
- Glenvale Park Community Days
Livvi will take responsibility for planning it this year. The new dates are Thurs-Sat 25-27th July (Thurs – Fri will be the mornings and on Saturday it will possibly be the afternoon), with an outdoor cafe style service on Sunday 28th July, if the weather is kind!
Those currently involved in children’s work are:
Sandi, Gayle, Agnes S (Rob’s Mum), Livvi, Ben, Dawn, Ruth G, Michelle, Sally, Elizabeth, Carol M, Ihuoma, Helen C, Marion, Ruth W, Suzy F, Rob S, Mope, Louise, Chris Green.
Pray for:
- Decisions around Ignite.
- Glenvale Park School and the process of relocating Wilby School, as well as what this might mean for us as a church and the opportunities it may present.
No decisions needed from PCC at this time.
Revd. DA
The poster above highlights our three youth groups – Sunday Youth, Connect Youth, and Ignite Youth.
Sunday Youth occurs on the second and fourth Sunday mornings of the month during the service. During this time there is in-depth bible teaching and discussion. We currently do not have enough leaders to run Sunday youth on third Sundays in the month and are trialing this as a ‘Serving Sunday’, encouraging the young people to help with various aspects of the morning service (such as assisting with children’s groups, playing in the worship band, serving tea and coffee, and helping with the sound and visuals teams). We’ve only had a limited response to this so far – assisting with the children’s groups has been the most popular, but there hasn’t been much take up from the young people to being involved in other areas of serving. There’s an aim to encourage those interested in music to get involved with worship but this will take some time, and we’ll try to explore other opportunities for serving where possible. The number of young people attending on Sunday mornings varies somewhat from week to week.
Connect Youth is our discipleship group, which meets fortnightly. Ben, Livvi, Sam Carew, and Dawn lead this group. We begin with a game, then have a time of worship, Bible teaching and prayer, before finishing with a meal together. There are around 14 young people who attend the group, with an average attendance of 8 to 12. Most of the young people are connected with church. We are hoping to build more of a bridge between Ignite Youth and Connect Youth over the coming year, if possible, to provide a pathway for those we meet at Ignite Youth to further explore the Christian faith. This term we are continuing to learn more about the Bible – how and why to read it. We also had a games night social evening during the February half term holiday, where we played games consoles and board games together as a means of strengthening friendships. We look forward to the Satellites summer youth festival at the Bath & West Showground from 2nd-6th August 2024. There are currently 5 young people booked to come but more can book on if they’d like to join the fun. The adults involved will be Dawn & Chris, Ben & Livvi.
Ignite Youth is our Thursday evening outreach group. This year there have been between 15 and 20 young people attending the group each week. The sessions involve games, sports, crafts, and a short time considering the Christian faith. After a few challenging sessions, we had some good discussions with the young people and are seeking to make adjustments to help the group run better. One of these has been experimenting with holding small group discussions, rather than a leader giving a short talk from the front. We will see how this goes over the coming weeks.
The current team is: the Aireys (Chris every other week), Carol Maycock (who helps with registration and the tuck shop once a month), Bruna, Daniela, Livvi and Ben. We’re very grateful that Judy Meleleu and Lis Wells have offered to run registration and the tuck shop once a month on the same basis as Carol and are looking forward to them joining the team. But any additional volunteers would still be gratefully welcomed!
We are continuing to look out for where God is at work and seek opportunities to connect with young people in Glenvale Park and are beginning to look ahead to the summer community days and how we can engage with young people through those.
Pray for:
- The many young people we are in contact with to come to faith and grow as followers of Jesus.
- Give thanks for those who have recently offered to help with some of the church youth work activities and pray for the development of more leaders with a heart and calling to serve young people.
- Ignite Youth, that the group would function as well as possible and that the young people would experience God’s love for them.
- The families of our young people – may they also be reached through our ministry.
- More young people from Connect Youth to sign up to attend Satellites next summer.
No decisions needed from PCC at this time.
Revd BHS
PCC report – Glenvale Park Toddlers
Very recently Glenvale Park residents started talking about the need for a toddler group on their estate. When we re did our vision a couple of years ago we wondered whether a second toddler group would be part of our strategy for reaching out to Glenvale Park. So I’ve started a conversation with Glenvale Park residents, wanting to strike while ‘the iron is hot’! It seems the best time would be Monday mornings. The care home would like to host in their library on the top floor and Glenvale residents are very happy with this. The care home will provide refreshments and a storage place for toy boxes. The care home have even said they would get their team to design the flyer for advertising too. There is plenty of space downstairs for buggies. I think it will just need two people from the church each week (term time only) to set up the toys and be around to chat. Over time I would hope we can grow and include extra activities similar to how Wellitots has grown. I will initially be there every week and take responsibility for the group and see how things go. I’ve started to approach a couple of people to see if I can get a very small team to help on a rota basis.
Start date hasn’t yet been thought of but possibly soon after Easter.
PCC decision needed:
To agree starting a new toddler group at Glenvale Park.
Revd. DA
Appendix 3 – update on Key priority 3: Wholeness in Jesus/ Wellbeing
- Reading Group
Rob S continues to run the Reading Group and their current book is ’Faith beyond Doubt’ in response to some members of the congregation being honest enough to voice their own struggles and with the hope that others who haven’t felt as able to be so honest will find a place of encouragement and nourishment.
- Social Activities:
Thank you to Heidi, Sally Q and Helen C who have been the social activities team for a number of years. I updated the PCC last time to let them know that this team has decided to stop. I’m not planning on asking others to form this sort of team but to allow for whatever the Lord wants to do next…
- Outreach to older people:
The midweek Service in the care home continues weekly. Rob S takes responsibility for this (often with Mel H bringing a creative prayer activity) and Ben, Livvi and I take it in turns to support Rob.
- Bereavement Support Group
The Bereavement Support Group is restarting on Tuesday 27th Feb! It will become a weekly group running at the Hub, Redwell School.
No decisions needed from PCC.
Revd. DA
- Prayer Ministry
- Prayer ministry continues to be offered during and after services, with whoever from the prayer ministry team is present on the day and who isn’t doing other duties. Usually, 2-3 people on average ask for prayer.
- The prayer chain continues to be very responsive to prayer requests. This month, the list has been revised and updated, with some names removed as prayer is no longer needed. A summary of names and prayer needs has been circulated to the prayer chain to recap on details and progress, and as a reminder of what we are praying for.
- Ben and I are preparing prayer stations for Maundy Thursday. This will be held from 4.30-6.30 pm. The theme will be ‘Washed by the blood of Christ’. Everyone is welcome to come and spend some quality time with Jesus, with prayer activities for all ages. It is hoped that next year we will offer an agape meal on Maundy Thursday.
- My thanks as always go to the prayer chain and prayer ministry team members for their willingness to serve in this vital ministry.
Appendix 4 – Finance –
Treasurer’s Report Feb 24 | |||||
General Account (Restricted and unrestricted money) | |||||
BUDGET 2023 Unrestricted (Budget for 24 not agreed) | |||||
Receipts | Annual Budget 2023 | To 29/02/24 | |||
Planned | Parish giving scheme | 49,000.00 | 7,918.00 | ||
Collections | Online giving | 10,000.00 | 290.00 | ||
Collections | Loose Plate | 5,000.00 | 937.00 | ||
Sum Up | 497.00 | ||||
Tax recovered through PGS and Gift Aid | 14,000.00 | 0.00 | |||
Other receipts | 3,000.00 | 100.00 | |||
Fundraising | 0.00 | 196.00 | |||
Church activities | 3,000.00 | 0.00 | |||
TOTAL | 84,000 | 9,938.00 | |||
Payments | Annual Budget 2023 | To 29/02/24 | |||
Parish Share sent for 2024 | 67,181.00 | 2,500.00 | |||
Missionary Giving | 3,000.00 | 582.00 | |||
Hall hire | 7,000.00 | 1,290.00 | |||
Clergy and staff costs | 3,500.00 | 723.00 | |||
Church running costs | 4,000.00 | 281.00 | |||
Cost of fete and events (Cmas 23) | 301.00 | ||||
TOTAL | 84,681 | 5,677 | |||
Balance in current account 03/02/24 | 5,129.52 | ||||
Balance in Building fund 03/02/24 | 49,021.94 | ||||
Appendix 4a – email (30/2/24) re Questions from the PCC meeting 29/1/24
Hello Lis (and Helen)
Thank you so much, (both of you) for all the work you do (and did) as treasurer and for pulling together the figures for the PCC meeting each time. In our meeting last night, we had a few queries and we thought it would be easiest if we asked them in an email. I have included Helen as the figures covered the whole of 2023 and she may need to chip in. Once we have the answers, we can circulate the PCC with them.
- The first page of your report shows the Receipts and Payments for the year. Receipts were shown as £79,100 and payments were £83,442. Since we never have a cash balance at the end of the year, we wondered how the £4,342 shortfall was covered? Perhaps if we could see the Balance Sheet that might explain it?
- The figures show income from the SumUp machine but no expenses. We thought there was a cost to having the equipment?
- Since we have stepped away from All Saints, we would have expected that the architect would have submitted an invoice for his fees, but there is nothing in the figures. Have we received an invoice?
I also want to say thank you for the final column showing the difference between 2023 and the previous year. I usually do that by hand, so thank you!
Thank you again.
Elizabeth, on behalf of the PCC
Appendix 5 – PCC report – Parish Update – Gleneagles land
Paul Cooper, leader of Compass church, has expressed an interest in our land for sale opposite the Ock ‘n’ Dough.
I have told him how much we would want for it, should the PCC still wish to sell it. I have also suggested that the PCC might not want to invite another similar church into the parish that we are trying to reach. However, it’s important that the PCC are made aware of this and given the opportunity to make a decision.
PCC decision needed:
Would the PCC like to consider selling the land to Compass Church to build their own church building on?
Revd. DA.
Appendix 6 – Safeguarding Report:
Two people have applied for a DBS, and these have been received. They have also done the training courses on Basic Awareness and Foundations. John, as Parish Safeguarding Officer, has done the first of the two Safeguarding Leadership courses. There are five people whose DBSs expire in the first 6 months of 2024; one has renewed, I am waiting for contact from three, and the other one I will be emailing soon.
Appendix 7 – Deanery Synod Report:
Nothing to report on Deanery Synod as the next meeting is on Wednesday 13th March, which is just prior to the PCC meeting. It is unclear if anyone will be able to attend. If they do, it is likely that any feedback will be given at the PCC meeting.
FC pp HE.
Appendix 8 – PCC report – Co-locating the church at Glenvale Park C of E School?
As per previous reports, I met with Ruth Walker-Green (PDET) before Christmas to begin thinking about the role of the church when Glenvale Park opens and specifically to consider what might be possible in terms of church use of the school. In that meeting PDET described what had been agreed with the church at Werrington which also meets in the church school: a lease in which the church agrees to pay around £10,500 a year to the school but has priority use of the hall (and other space on Sundays) at weekends and evenings. They also have a church office at the school which the church built and paid for. They also gave some money towards fixtures and fittings.
I met with Ruth and Louise (Wilby Head) on the 25th Jan 2024 and walked around the new school together, looking at what will go where, potentially. At that meeting there were conversations around the possibility of having a church parish office in the school, possibly the room that comes directly off the reception area. Brief thoughts expressed around the church using the school on Sundays.
I left our walkabout with Ruth asking me to come back to her with a ‘wish list’ and preferred future possibilities. I said it would probably take a couple of months to start talking with the church leadership. Having talked to the wardens we felt our wish list should include:
i)Having a church parish office in the school which can be used in the following ways:
-confidential information (filing cabinet)
-Enough space for meetings for 6 people
-Limited storage space
ii)Storage space in the hall and/or church shed in the grounds (depending on how much we think we’re going to be at the school)
We then discussed the various options for moving forward as a parish (where we meet Sunday mornings, etc):
Option 1
-Stay at Redwell School as per the current arrangements for all groups and Sunday mornings.
-And plant/start a second congregation at Glenvale Park School at a time other than Sunday mornings (potentially).
Cost implications: £7,000 a year hall hire at Redwell plus cost of hire at Glenvale Park School for second congregation.
Option 2
-Negotiate a ‘Werrington’ style lease at Glenvale Park and fully re-locate the church and many of our activities. This costs Werrington around £10,500 a year and as I understand it, they have priority use of the hall at weekends and evening, I think.
Of course, there are options in between, so for example, we could agree the lease but slowly move things across or keep some things at Redwell School like the things at the Hub during the day which we are not being charged for and wouldn’t be able to do at Glenvale Park school – Wellitots and the Bereavement Support Group.
In the end we have to decide what we want, need and feels important long term. I am very conscious that we have so much favour at Redwell School currently, but should the Head change again that could look very different. The governors could also make a different decision, in terms of our use and how much they charge us. I know last year Claire requested they didn’t put the rent up for example, which they agreed to. Once a lease is agreed with a PDET school then it stays in place. Another consideration is having space/time on other evenings. Monday evenings, at the moment, means my house is choc-o-bloc, especially on PCC nights too. I personally don’t mind but my family do, and it might be difficult for a future Incumbent also.
Proposal/Decision for the PCC
The churchwardens and I agreed that the best option, and one that makes sense given the school will be a church school, might be to try and negotiate a Werrington style lease and see where we get to. And if this can be negotiated, to keep Wellitots and the Bereavement group at the Hub in Redwell School (if the school continues to be willing). This would mean the church would relocate to Glenvale Park but maintain a presence around the parish as is the case now, and as described in our vision statement.
Revd. DA
Appendix 9 – PCC report – Community Days inflatable
The summer community days at Glenvale Park are planned for Thurs/Fri/Sat, 25/26/27th July. The Saturday session will be in the afternoon following feedback from last year when we were advised to have one session in the afternoon, especially if we want to encourage young people to come along too. So let’s see how that works this year.
Mark Best has agreed to fund one of the inflatables again – the bouncy assault course. We’d like to book the dash-n-grab again too which the church would need to pay for. The dash-n-grab is only available on the Friday morning and the assault course would come Saturday afternoon.
The cost of the dash-n-grab with generator and delivery is £525.
PCC decision needed:
To agree expenditure for the dash-n-grab with the expectation that most or all of the cost would be met by asking the church for donations.
Revd. DA
Appendix 10 – PCC report – Parish Weekend away
I have been thinking through the merits of having a church weekend away in May 2025, possibly the second bank holiday weekend leading into the half term school holidays. This would be for two nights, Friday through to Sunday.
I have approached the Frontier centre as it’s so conveniently close but still feels like you’re away. Their initial quote per person felt too expensive. However, in negotiating with them on price I wonder if we have arrived at something more doable. If for example we had meals from Friday teatime through to Sunday lunch time it would be £121 per person, under 6s free and every 10 people booked would give us a free place. The cost of Friday tea is £13 per person and Sunday lunch is £9.80 per person. So, if we chose to exclude either or both of these that brings the cost per person to under £100 each.
PCC decision needed:
There is of course much more detail to think about but at this stage I wanted to hear what the PCC thinks and whether this is something that would both benefit the church community as well as be affordable for people?
Revd. DA