Minutes of the PCC Meeting

                         Held on Monday 10th June 2024


1 The meeting opened at 19.10 with prayer.  
2 Attendance  
  ·       Dawn Airey (Chair), Sam Carew, Fiona Clarke (Honorary Secretary), Helen Cracknell, Matt Ellson, Melanie Hartung, Ben Haughton-Scales, Elizabeth Holbrook, Alan Palmer, David Wells, Ruth Wium.

·       Apologies:   Louise Harrison, Livvi Haughton-Scales


3 Previous Minutes  
  The Minutes of the Meeting held on 26th May 2024 were agreed by all who were present at that meeting.


4 Matters Arising  
5 Change of church name – see appendix 1  
  ·       DA has now received the legal paperwork confirming that Glenvale Park is now part of our parish and as of 1st May 2024 we are legally “North Wellingborough Anglican Church.”

·       There are numerous administrative tasks to be done, including amending the church paperwork and letterhead, and changing the charity number if necessary. Amanda will look at these.

·       Other changes are mentioned in separate sections, below, e.g. new logo.

6 Treasurer and Finances  
  ·       Lis Wells has resigned from the post due to increasing work pressures. Helen Cracknell has agreed to step back into the role.


Proposal – To accept Helen Cracknell as the new Treasurer. Proposed by DA, Seconded by MH. All were in agreement.


·       Helen gained permission from the PCC to open new bank accounts to reflect the new church name – North Wellingborough Anglican Church:

o    She will check rates at different banks and the Post Office

o    She will check that banking can be done at the Post Office for each account as banks are closing branches making it increasingly difficult to pay in etc. – CAF bank (current bank) in HSBC, nearest branch is Higham Ferrers, whereas with the Post Office paying in etc can be done at Wellingborough saving time, travel costs, having to store the funds until able to go to Higham Ferrers.

o    The current signatories, namely Helen Cracknell, Lis Wells and Elizabeth Holbrook, will be transferred to the new account(s). A fourth signatory may be needed in case signatories are unavailable.

·       The church name needs to be amended on the Gift Aid Form.

·       The Diocese annual returns are nearly complete.




















7 Parish Weekend Away – See Appendix 2  
  Postponed to July meeting due to limited time available.  
8 Youth and Children’s worker – See Appendix 3 and 3a  
  ·       All PCC members read the previous proposal (Appendix 3a) for context before discussion.

·       A proposal was submitted, and we were subsequently granted £5000. Bishop John is following up a potential further grant from another grant making body.

·       DA is writing to other grant making bodies with the vision, why we want a Youth and Children’s worker, details of how we intend to raise further monies towards the project. Some funding bodies will expect us to have 30% of what is needed to show that we are serious about the project.

·       DA suggests that we will need to fund a Youth and Children’s worker for two days a week for 40 weeks per year, and to have funding up front, or promised, for two years at least.  We need to build a pot of £20,000 minimum to do this, and anything over this would go towards the following year.


Proposal – to agree a ring-fenced pot to which people can give towards the project.

Discussion –

·       Ideally, everyone should be tithing with the money being distributed according to the PCC’s decisions. However, people are not always willing to contribute to the Parish Share, for example, as they cannot physically see where the money goes, whereas they may be more willing to contribute to a specific thing/ project.

·       Also, although we have two new givers plus a cash donation recently, we are still a long way from where we need to be to meet church costs (approximately £6000 each month) and to have sufficient funds to consider funding the project ourselves.

·       We will ring-fence the grant money of £5000 specifically for the project, plus any donations that are given towards it. However, it is risky asking people to contribute to it directly as this may reduce the money already being given to the church for general running, unless they wish to give extra.

·       Research shows that churches that invest in their Under 18s grow, whereas those that don’t tend to decline.

·       One suggestion was that we look at our existing Mission Giving, and possibly stop paying towards those Mission Partners and redirect those funds towards this project making the Youth and Children’s worker a new Mission partner.

·       We have a further Stewardship Sunday in September and DA could talk to the church about the vision for the children then. Alan is preaching at that service and can remind whoever is leading it about tithing testimonies, emphasising tithing as thanksgiving and not tithing as a means to receive a blessing.

·       A suggestion was also made about opening it up to the community to contribute, as their children also benefit from Ignite, for example. Helen will investigate producing a QR code so that people at the Community Days could contribute if they wish to.






































9 Community Days Proposal – See Appendix 4  
  ·       A question was raised concerning costs for the Community Days:

o   There is no budget set for this, and costs should be minimal.

o   Last year we had donations towards refreshments.

o   The bouncy castle was funded by Glenvale Park Management, as for this year.

o   Helen will look at what costs were involved last year and advise Ben.

Proposal – to hold the Community Days. Proposer-LHS. Seconder-EH. All present were in favour.






10 Northamptonshire Association of Youth Clubs (NAYC) Policies – See Appendix 5  
  Proposal – to adopt the NAYC policies. Proposer-BHS. Seconder-ME. All present were in favour, plus LH had sent her agreement by email.


We may need to look at certain areas within them, e.g. risk assessments – written by Amanda (Admin). Ben will liaise with Amanda.






11 Agree new Safeguarding Policy  
  Proposal-to adopt the new safeguarding policy. Proposer-DA. Seconder-ME. All present were in favour, plus LH had sent her agreement by email.


Everyone present signed the policy. DA to file it.


Issues/ questions arising:

·       There should be a first aider at the various groups, e.g., Ignite. BHS and LHS are looking into Livvi attending the St. John’s Ambulance course.

·       Should a first aider be present at Sunday Mornings? Lisa Carew and HC have done the course.

·       Section Seven – Should Bishop Donald’s quote be updated to the new Bishop? The quote and its sentiment are still valid. It is for the Diocese to decide. However, DA/ EH will ask the Diocese if they wish to consider it.














12 PCC Duties – See Appendix 6  
  DA started a discussion on what it’s like being on the PCC to give new members an idea of what is expected of them. Two items, namely what to do with the land at Redhill Farm and where our main base should be will need to be discussed further at future meetings.  
13 New Church Logo – See Appendix 7  
  There were two top runners after the church vote. After discussion, a decision was made. See Appendix 7 for the new logo.


Proposal – to adopt the crossroads style logo. Proposer -DA. Seconder-DW. All who were present agreed, although by this time MH and HC had left the meeting.

14 Dates of next meetings:  
  PCC meetings:

·       Monday 1st July 2024 19.00.

·       Monday 16th September 2024 19.00.

·       Monday 11th November 2024 19.00 or may be part of Leadership Away Day TBC.

·       Monday 20th January 2025 19.00.

·       Monday 24th March 2025 19.00.

·       Monday 28th April 2025 19.00 (to approve APCM reports).

·       APCM Sunday 25th May 2025 as part of the service followed by a short PCC meeting.


15 The meeting closed with prayers at 21.40.  


Appendix 1 – Letter confirming new church boundaries and name.



Appendix 2 – PCC report – Parish Weekend away

I have been thinking through the merits of having a church weekend away in May 2025, possibly the second bank holiday weekend leading into the half term school holidays.  This would be for two nights, Friday through to Sunday.


I have approached the Frontier centre as it’s so conveniently close but still feels like you’re away.  Their initial quote per person felt too expensive.  However, in negotiating with them on price I wonder if we have arrived at something more doable.  If for example we had meals from Friday tea time through to Sunday lunch time it would be £121 per person, under 6s free and every 10 people booked would give us a free place.  The cost of Friday tea is £13 per person and Sunday lunch is £9.80 per person.  So if we chose to exclude either or both of these that brings the cost per person to under £100 each.


PCC decision needed:

There is of course much more detail to think about but at this stage I wanted to hear what the PCC thinks and whether this is something that would both benefit the church community as well as be affordable for people?


Revd. Dawn Airey.





Appendix 3 – PCC report – Children’s and Youth worker

The PCC previously agreed a potential 3-year strategy for employing someone for this ministry increasing the hours offered each year, starting with a contract for 8 hours a week.


In May we applied for and were given a grant of £5,000 towards a children’s and youth worker.  This grant has to be used within 12 months.


In order to build a budget for the above I would now like to develop a ‘ring-fenced’ pot whereby members in the congregation who feel passionate about this ministry can give financially.  Ideally, we wouldn’t ask people to give to something specific but simply to give, trusting the elected PCC to steward all of our finances in a Godly and wise way.  However, experience has also shown me that sometimes people like to be able to give to a particular project.


Revd. Dawn Airey.




Appendix 3a – Youth and Children’s worker project proposal for PCC 


To employ a children’s and youth worker to hold and carry the vision of our under 18s ministry.  This is one of the three key priorities for the church and we have a large number of volunteers currently working hard to run things with the main leadership roles being held by clergy.  It is important to make this sustainable and so it is now time to give serious consideration to employing someone specifically for this ministry.


 Job description

Initial Job description for 8 hrs a week:-Run Ignite children’s group -Be part of Ignite youth & Connect Youth with a view to taking on the leadership of Ignite Youth within 3 months of starting-Be part of the teams starting a new intergenerational worship congregation in the new housing estate, Glendale Park.

All of the above are intentionally evangelistic aimed at creating new disciples.  The aim with both Ignite and Ignite Youth is to also create a greater connection with the church and to enable families to become part of the congregation.

The intention is to then move this to 16 hrs a week and gradually increase to 30 hr a week role.  The job description will then also include:

  • General:-Potentially oversight of under 18s ministry on Sunday mornings-Ignite youth: 3 hrs (Outreach)-Ignite: 3 hrs (Outreach)-Connect Youth: 2 hrs (Discipleship)-Summer youth camp (Discipleship)-Toddler groups x 2: 6 hrs (just starting to introduce Bubble church at one of the toddler groups)-Help with monthly cafe church held in the community school: 1 hr
  • Schools work:-Regular Assemblies (monthly) in community school: 0.5 hr -Weekly wellbeing groups for key stage 2, currently in community school (2.5 hrs)
  1. Glenvale Park (new housing estate):-Youth work with and for older young people: 3/4 hrs-Detached youth work: fire pits, etc: 1 hr-Start new Inter generational worship, which would be our second congregation at Glenvale Park School, probably cafe style or after school, etc: 2 hrs-Weekly collective worship in Church school (2 hrs)

Festival times of year:

Help with:-Carols at Christmas-Easter rock hunt and Good Friday family event-Summer Community Days at Glenvale Park

Project Costs

Year 1:

8 hrs a week @ £14/hr (term time, 40 weeks) = £5,000 a yr (incl expenses)

Year 2:

16 hrs a week (term time) = £10,000 a yr (incl expenses)

Year 3:

30 hrs a week (term time) = £20,000 a yr (incl expenses)

(NIC’s and Pensions contributions yet to be calculated and added to the above figures)

How will we know this has been successful? -More and new families would have joined the church as a direct result of our ministry-Children and young people professing faith, coming for baptism and confirmation-Children’s and youth ministry would become sustainable

We are already beginning to see the above happen and I would expect this to increase.


The diocese are offering invitations for one off grants of up to £5,000.  I would like to

apply for this and then my intention is to apply for further grants.


  1. Decision for PCC (at April’s PCC meeting)

To agree this as a project in principle with agreement for me to apply for the diocesan


Revd Dawn Airey

27th April 2024



Appendix 4 – Community Days Proposal

What community days are.

The Community Days are three days that we organise at the end of July, at the beginning of the summer school holidays, on the green space in Glenvale Park. The idea came about from conversations that took place at the Glenvale Park Breakfast Meetings, where people got together to discuss how the church can be present on the new estate in a way to make new disciples. The Community Days occurred in the summer of 2022 and 2023, so we are looking to deliver them again this coming summer of 2024. This year, we are looking to have our Community Days between Thursday 25th July and Saturday 27th July. We will also be looking to have an outdoor, cafe-style service in Glenvale Park on the morning of Sunday 28th July. The Community Days will be between 10am-12pm on Thursday and Friday, and between 2pm-4pm on Saturday. The decision to have an afternoon event on the Saturday is due to advice from Jon from NAYC (Northamptonshire Association of Youth Workers) that this may attract more teenagers. Having an event on a Saturday this year may also attract more people who work Monday-Friday.


Aim of Community Days.

The aim of these days is to create a space where the whole parish can come, especially young families, and enjoy activities and connections with one another. It is a way for us to connect with them, to give them their first touch of church. This is especially useful for those who are unfamiliar with church and may be intimidated by the idea of coming to a service. They can have their first connection with the church congregation through these events, where they can come, have fun, and get to know regular church-goers in a relaxed way. This year, we are hoping to have an open-air cafe-style church service on Sunday, to which we will invite all attendees of the Community Days. This is a next step, to create a bridge between those choosing to attend the Community Days and those who may consider attending church services.


What the days will look like.

This year, we are looking to have an Olympics theme, as the Olympics will be starting in Paris on Saturday July 27th, the last day of the Community Days. Like previous years, we will set-up 8-9 gazebos to use for different activities. We also have the church gazebo this year. We will provide refreshments of tea and coffee, and donated cakes that will hopefully be provided for by the church (like in previous years). We will have a collection of craft activities, table activities and sport activities, all based around the theme of the Olympics. Jon from NAYC will provide activities for youth and older children, such as sumo suits and giant jenga, on all three days. Wendy Scales (Livvi’s mum) will provide a puppet show on either Thursday or Friday. The developers have agreed to pay for an inflatable on Saturday. There will be appointed floaters who will circulate during the event, providing flyers for the cafe service and starting conversations with people.




What is needed from the church.


The main need is volunteers to help on all three days. We will need people to help set-up and set-down, prepare and manage crafts and activities, as well as people to manage and help with refreshments, and floaters to have conversations with people. The more volunteers, the better. This is mostly so everyone can have a small role, rather than a few volunteers having to carry a lot of the workload.

Some budget from church giving.

There will need to be some budget from church giving. This is mostly towards costs for craft, any table activities, and tea and coffee. Therefore, we won’t need a huge budget. Most other things – like chairs, tables, gazebos etc. – are being borrowed. Cakes will need to be donated by people in the church. The developers are paying for the inflatable on Saturday. Therefore, the event should not be too expensive.


As a final point, prayer will always be a priority, especially for events like this. Prayer for connections to be made, for the people God is calling to himself to come along to these events and, practically, that weather is good the entire week (including Sunday!!).

Revd. Livvi Haughton-Scales.



Appendix 5 – Northamptonshire Association of Youth Clubs (NAYC) Policies

During the process of reapplying for membership of the Northamptonshire Association of Youth Clubs (NAYC) for Ignite and Ignite Youth, the church was asked to put in place an Equality & Diversity Policy and a Health & Safety Policy in order to align with youth work best practice. See policies below:

Equality & Diversity Policy

The Parochial Church Council of North Wellingborough Anglican Church, which acts as the Management Committee of Ignite and Ignite Youth (hereafter ‘the club’), is committed to equality and diversity. The club is open to all regardless of age, colour, disability, ethnic origin, gender, HIV status, marital status, nationality or national origins, race, religious or political beliefs, responsibility for dependents, or sexual orientation. We will not tolerate attitudes and behaviour that amount to discrimination on these grounds.

Equality and diversity is about accepting people’s differences and creating an environment in which all can thrive and contribute.


The club is committed to ensuring that all feel valued, that the skills and talents of individuals are recognised and fully utilised and that the environment in the club is productive and rewarding. The club is a place where there is respect for difference in culture and experience.


All leaders will be made aware of the contents of this policy as part of the induction process. The

management committee will be active in making sure all its policies and procedures are fair and no member is disadvantaged when participating in the club activities it provides.


The club is also aware of how people can be subject to harassment on a wide variety of grounds and which can take many forms. Harassment is a physical, verbal or non-verbal action which is unwelcome, unwanted and offensive to the recipient and has the effect of violating their dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive atmosphere for that person. This can include embarrassing or offensive jokes, unwelcome physical contact or sexual advances, the expression of racist, homophobic, etc views, lewd comments and innuendo, and the sending of offensive text messages. The Management Committee is responsible for implementing this policy and upholding its principles in everything it does.


We will make sure that:

  • We promote respect for other people and treat everyone fairly.
  • Young people and adults are able to meet together in a positive and accepting environment where they are safe from harm, abuse, harassment and intimidation.
  • Young people and adults recognise and challenge prejudice and discrimination.
  • Everyone has an equal opportunity to be considered as a volunteer leader.
  • All leaders will have equal access to training opportunities.
  • All young people will have equal access to club activities and training opportunities.
  • The policy is applied when recruiting volunteers.
  • We monitor what we do to meet any legal requirements and so that this policy is implemented properly and understood by all.
  • We take incidents, including those of harassment and bullying, seriously.

Any issues of inequality, harassment or discrimination should be reported to the Club Leader and Chair of the Management Committee, who will enable the parties involved to give their version of events before considering further action.

The Club Leader will respond quickly and impartially to such issues after consulting with the Chairperson of the Management Committee and/or the NAYC, if necessary.



This policy was adopted at the Management Committee Meeting on: ……………………………….Date


On behalf of the Management Committee: ……………………………………………………………Signed

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Management Committee.




Health & Safety Policy

The Parochial Church Council of North Wellingborough Anglican Church, which acts as the Management

Committee of Ignite and Ignite Youth (hereafter ‘the club’), is committed to providing activities in a safe

environment without risk as far as is reasonably practicable. The overall responsibility for the

implementation of this policy rests with the Management Committee. Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring

this policy is put into practice is delegated to …………………………………………………………………………………………………


All leaders will be made aware of the contents of this policy as part of the induction process and be

encouraged to take responsibility for ensuring their own personal health and safety and that of others who

may be affected by their actions.


The Management Committee will:

  • Take out and maintain adequate insurance to cover all possible liabilities and display this information publicly.
  • Provide equipment that is maintained in a safe condition at all times and provide instruction in its safe use.
  • Ensure that assessments are carried out in accordance with the Risk Assessment Policy.
  • Make sure that fire drills are undertaken on a regular basis.
  • Establish and display prominently on the premises emergency procedures to be taken in the event of fire, incidents, accidents and illness.
  • Maintain necessary health and safety records including an Accident Book.
  • Make sure that a First Aid box is regularly checked and its location known to all leaders.
  • Ensure that a qualified First Aider is present at all club meetings and those present know who this is.
  • Make Emergency Aid Training available to all leaders.
  • Ensure the safe storage, handling and labelling of any hazardous materials.
  • Provide relevant information and encourage leaders to undertake training relating to Health and Safety matters.
  • Investigate accidents promptly.


This policy was adopted at the Management Committee Meeting on: ………………………………………………..Date


On behalf of the Management Committee: …………………………………………………………………………………….Signed


This policy will be reviewed annually by the Management Committee.






Health & Safety Checklist

For use with new volunteer leaders and induction on Health and Safety.

  • Knows emergency procedures
  • Has read and understands Health and Safety policy
  • Knows First Aid procedures
  • Knows security arrangements
  • Understands reporting of accidents and incidents procedure
  • Understands and follows risk assessment
  • Knows fire drill arrangements
  • Is aware of personal health and safety requirements towards self and others
  • Has shown competence and awareness of health and safety when working with young people Any training needs have been addressed


Date Completed


Signed (Club Leader)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Signed (Volunteer)……………………………………………………………………………………….. Date………………………………….



Revd. Ben Haughton-Scales.


Appendix 6 – Discussion on being on the PCC

DA initiated a discussion on:

  • the roles of PCC members:
    • Legal body
    • Oversight of finances
    • Represent lay congregation at Management
    • Have a say in the church’s decision making and strategy under a spiritual umbrella
    • Promote mission
    • Producing the Vision for the church
    • The day to day running of the church is done by the clergy and church wardens
  • PCC Meetings:
    • There is no Any Other Business at the meetings. If you have a topic that you wish including for discussion, speak to DA a couple of weeks before the meeting and she will ensure that it is put on the agenda if applicable
    • The Agenda and reports will be sent to you a week before the meeting so that you can read them before the meeting and bring any comments/ queries to the meeting for discussion. If you have any queries you can talk them through with DA beforehand so that decisions can be made on the night
  • Subjects of previous meetings, for example,:
    • Writing the new Vision
    • Expanding Parish Boundaries
    • Finance
    • What enables a healthy growing church
    • Parish weekend away
    • Employing a parish administrator
    • Buying a gazebo
    • Church model – where our main base should be will need further discussion
    • What to do with our land at Redhill Farm – ongoing


Appendix 7 – The new church logo
