About Us

Who are we?

North Wellingborough Anglican Church is a growing congregation of about 90 adults with about 20 children and teenagers.

Most of us are near neighbours living on the Gleneagles Estate, Glenvale Park and Redhill Farm estate. Some come from further afield. Our children and teens are very active members of the church and many more children and young people come to our mid-week groups.

We are very relaxed and informal in our style of worship and we use contemporary music with a talented group of musicians and singers.

In our vision we seek to connect with Jesus, connect with each other and connect with the community. While we are involved in numerous ministries, we have three key priorities:

  1. Discipleship
  2. Under 18s Ministry
  3. Wholeness in Jesus/ wellbeing

Please read the separate vision booklet, which explains more.

Our main goal is to become like Jesus, doing what He did, and enabling others to do that too. To experience the reality of God making a real difference in our individual lives.


…..and what do we believe????

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. Through the Bible God reveals himself to us so that we can know more about him.

Very importantly, the Bible also reveals God’s plan to get to know each one of us personally and intimately.

God does this through his Son Jesus.

Jesus came to show us what God is like, to teach us how we should behave towards one another and to give his life upon the cross – through Jesus’ death we can be forgiven.

Jesus rose again demonstrating that he is indeed the Son of God.

We believe in the work of God’s Holy Spirit, and are looking to grow in the power and gifts of the Spirit, becoming more like Jesus and doing what He did.

See also:
