
Action to be taken in the event of a potential issue

The welfare of children or adults at risk of abuse is of paramount importance.  Please be aware of our Safeguarding Policy and especially, the action you should take in the event of suspicion or evidence of abuse.  We urge anyone wishing to give information or make disclosures of church-related abuse to immediately take the following action:

  1. If there is concern that a child or vulnerable adult is at risk of harm, inform the Parish Safeguarding Officer or Incumbent who will take advice from the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) or Local Authority Social Care. If the incumbent is implicated, inform the DSA.
  2. If there is concern that a child or vulnerable adult has been harmed, immediately inform the Parish Safeguarding Officer or Assistant or Incumbent or DSA and agree who will make the referral to Local Authority Social Care team.  If no-one is available, contact the Local Authority Social Care Team or Police directly.


Safeguarding Guidelines for Online Meetings


  1. Leaders to set up zoom meeting.
  2. Meeting link, Id, Date and time to only be shared in an email or closed groups
  3. For children and youth, parents to be the point of contact
  4. If zooming with under 18s, two leaders with DBS need to be present.
  5. Any screenshots of the zoom call to be taken only with participants expressed permission. For under 18s this needs to be their parents permission.
  6. Zoom chat with under 18s have to be addressed to everyone and monitored by the leaders.
  7. When there is a disclosure of safeguarding risk follow existing parish safeguarding guidelines.

Facebook use

  1. Facebook pages are a public platform.
  2. Page admins to monitor content and to delete anything deemed unhelpful.
  3. Church members to not engage in debate with unfriendly posts.
  4. Adults to not accept any friend requests from those under 18.
  5. Any messages conveyed over chat boxes to those under 18 need to be in a group with adults that have DBS.
  6. Photos shared over Facebook for under 18 must have permission from parents.


Important contacts:

Rev Dawn Airey, Vicar, (01933 673437) 

Parish Safeguarding Officer – John Gilyead, (01933 402744)

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser – Victoria Kellett,


The Diocese of Peterborough has also appointed an independent advocate to provide the lead for survivor care, support and engagement. If anyone wishes to contact her, please contact the DSA team as above.  We recognise that this option may not feel safe for those with a lived experience of abuse from within the Church.  A dedicated telephone helpline, operating independently from the Church, has therefore been set up for those affected by issues which may arise as a result of a past experience.
The number is 0800 80 20 20 – ‘Past Cases Review 2 NSPCC Helpline for Children and Adults’.

Safeguarding is a priority at North Wellingborough Anglican church. We are committed to following government and Church of England guidelines on the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and good working practice, including safer recruitment of volunteers and paid workers. 

We work to a formal safeguarding policy and procedure.

You can download a copy of the safeguarding policy and procedure in Word format here


Other Resources:


(for children)

0800 1111

Stop it Now

0808 1000 900


0808 800 5000


0300 123 3393

Action on Elder Abuse

0808 8088141


0845 120 5204

Through the Roof

01732 737041
