
North Wellingborough Anglican church services are every week at Glenvale Church of England School, Glenvale, Wellingborough, Northants starting at 10.30am.

  • First Sunday is a Café Style Service with activities for all on the tables.
  • Third Sunday is Serving Sunday with groups for the Children and Creche, but with Youth (young adults) serving.
  • All other Sundays have groups for children, youth and creche.

Services are recorded and uploaded to Facebook and YouTube later in the day. They are no longer live streamed.

They can be accessed by clicking on the following links or copying them into your internet browser address line:

N.B. The Facebook Page is still under Gleneagles Anglican Church, although the new church name is North Wellingborough Anglican Church.

Leader, Preachers and Worship Band Leaders

Services Rota - December 2024 to April 2025

HT = Half term; SH = School Holidays; HC = Holy Communion;

December Advent - ‘Gritty Wonder’
1st Advent 1 - Mary - Luke 1:46-49
8th Advent 2 - Joseph - Matthew 1:18-25
15th HC (Dawn) Advent 3 - The Room - Micah 5:2, Luke 2:4-7
22nd Advent 4 - Shepherds - Luke 2:8-15
Extra services and events
Sun 1st Dec 5.30pm Carols & Lights (Gleneagles)
Fri 6th Dec 6.15/ 7pm Outdoor Carols at Glenvale Park
Sun 8th Dec 7pm Christmas Wreath making
Sun 22nd Dec 6/7pm?? 7 Lessons & Carols Service
Tues 24th Dec 4/ 4.30pm?


Christingle & Nativity Service
Wed 25th Dec HC?? (Livvi)


10am Christmas Day - Jesus
5th Cafe Service
12th The Bible Course 6’

Jesus & the Gospels

John 3:1-21

John 20:30-31

19th HC


‘Liberating Doubt’
26th ‘The Bible Course 7’

Acts & the Church

Acts 1:1-11

2nd Cafe Service
9th ‘The Bible Course 8’

Revelation & Review

Rev 7:9-17

Rev 21:1-5

16th HC (Ben)


(Ruth to decide!)
23rd HT Stewardship Sunday
2nd Cafe Service
9th ‘Cast of the Crucifixion’

King Herod

Matthew 2

16th ‘Cast of the Crucifixion’


Jn 3:1-21; 19:38-42

23rd New beginnings
30th ‘Cast of the Crucifixion’


6th SH Cafe Service

‘Cast of the Crucifixion’

Pontius Pilate

Jn 18:28-; Jn 19:7-15

13th Palm Sunday


Luke 19
20th HC



Easter Day

‘Cast of the Crucifixion’


27th Compassion UK
EXTRA EASTER Services/events
14th Holy Week Rock Hunt begins
17th Maundy Thursday

Church family event (Guided Meal)



Good Friday:

am-Family event at Redwell

pm-Hour at the cross?