
Ignite is just a BRILLIANT club for children in years 1-6 (inclusive) where everybody is welcomed.

We normally meet on Thursdays during term time.

We like to keep things fun and active, so one week we have a session of just playing games and having fun and the other week we add some time of learning about God in a fun and accessible way. And in both sessions we have some time to speak to God and place any worries or pleas in His hands.

Each session starts with fun and active games, to let off some steam after a long day at school, after which, we have some crafts, Bible time and responsive activity (and more games if time allows it).

A lot of our learning takes place through our regular conversations with no question ever being to big, too small, too clever or too silly; we are all on this journey and we love learning together.

This also helps us to develop our friendships with each other and to grow in knowledge of and closeness to Jesus.









Would you like to know more? Would you like to come and see what it is like? Well… we would love you to come and join us, so just email: livvi@nwanglicanchurch.co.uk and we will get in contact with your grown up so we can give you both more information and answer any questions you may have.
