Pastoral Care & Prayer

Caring for you at Gleneagles Church

Our mission statement at Gleneagles Church is:

 “Connecting with Jesus, connecting with each other, connecting with the community”

One of the ways we do this is through the care we give to each other, both in everyday life and in times of crisis.

 Jesus said “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.”  John 10:10

At Gleneagles Church our goal is to help people to live life in all its fullness as God intended.  Much of the care which we give to each other takes place informally, however we all have times in our lives when we would like extra support or need to discuss something in confidence.


Read on to see how Gleneagles Church can offer you:

  • Practical help
  • A listening ear / Support through difficult times
  • Friendship
  • Prayer
  • Support if you are bereaved  

People who can help you are listed below.


Practical Help

We all have times when we need a little extra practical help, particularly when we are unwell, bereaved, feeling down or have upheaval at work or at home.  It can help if someone brings you a meal, gives you a lift or does some shopping or cleaning.  You might need moral support at a medical appointment or just someone to chat to over a coffee.  We understand that it isn’t easy to ask, but a bit of help can make such a difference.

Speak to Revd. Dawn Airey who will find someone to help you.


A listening ear / Support through difficult times

The old saying “a problem shared is a problem halved” really is true.  Talking through something that is troubling you can get things back into perspective.  Contact Revd. Dawn Airey or the Connect Group Facilitator of the group you have been assigned to, who will suggest someone with a good ‘listening ear’ who will treat what you say in confidence and help you to see a way forward.  If you’re going through difficult times for any reason please ask for help.  We will be only too pleased to do whatever we can.



We want Gleneagles Church to be a place where you can make good friends. We have regular fellowship and social events to have fun together and to get to know each other better.  In particular:

Connect Groups: 

A great way to get to know people and learn more about your faith. Connect Group facilitators make sure that the people in their group are supported.  We have daytime and evening groups, including groups for teens and young adults. Please speak to Greg Cracknell about joining a group, if you haven’t already been assigned to one.

Details of all that is going on can be found in the Church notices and on this website 



We carry each other’s burdens when we pray for each other.   We would love to pray for you whatever your need. For example, if you are experiencing illness, worry, fears, loneliness, difficult relationships, debt or problems of any kind.

After each Sunday service members of the Prayer Ministry team are available to pray with you.

Prayer Ministry team members are also available to meet privately with you, at home or elsewhere, to pray about personal issues which are troubling you. This can be especially helpful if you have an emotional hurt, longstanding issues or difficulties or past traumas.  Speak to Dawn or Jackie Brooks-Cheesman (who leads the Prayer Ministry team) if you would like to discuss this, in total confidence.

The Prayer Ministry team members usually work in pairs, most often a man and a woman working together.  The team members will listen carefully and pray specifically for you.  If you would like to meet with team members both of the same sex as yourself, that is easily arranged.  Anything shared in this context is kept completely confidential, although under certain circumstances we may share some information within the team and possibly further afield purely on a need-to-know basis.  This would only be with your full knowledge.

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is comprised of church members who have agreed to pray for particular needs.  If you have a prayer request, please contact Jackie Brooks-Cheesman who will ask the members of the Prayer Chain to pray about your concerns.  We encourage you to bring your requests to God – nothing is too small for Him to care about.


 Support in Bereavement

Losing someone we love is one of the worst experiences we can go through in our lives.  Dawn, supported by members of the Gleneagles Church Care Team, will provide help, support and prayer when you need it most.


When you discuss personal matters with us, we will keep them confidential. As mentioned above, we may share some information, with your knowledge, within the team and possibly further afield, strictly on a need-to-know basis. The only time information would be shared outside the Prayer or Care Ministry Teams is:

  • If a person was going to harm themselves or someone else
  • If a child has been physically or sexually abused or we have reason to believe they may be at risk
  • If a criminal offence has been, or is going to be, committed

Gleneagles Church Safeguarding Officer, John Gilyead, is available to discuss any concerns about the protection of children or vulnerable adults.


Who to contact for help or advice

Our Vicar, Dawn Airey is happy to talk to you at any time.

Dawn                      (01933 673324)


Jackie Brooks-Cheesman leads our Prayer Ministry Team. Please contact Jackie if you have any prayer needs.

Jackie                     (01933 387043)


John Gilyead, our Safeguarding Officer, should be contacted if you are concerned about children or vulnerable adults.

John                       (01933 402744)   
