Data Protection
Gleneagles Church respects users personal privacy! Any and all information collected at this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed. Any information you give to Gleneagles Church will be held with the utmost care, and will not be used in ways that you have not consented to.
Access to your information
Cookies & The EU Cookie Law
The EU Cookie law is an EU-Privacy Directive that came into action on the 26th may 2012. The law requires us to ask you, the user, for permission to store cookies on your computer. These cookies are small text files that in no way identify you but are used to help us analyse the usage of the website so that we can improve the way it works. These are called non-essential cookies. However, the cookies generated by the website are essential for the proper functioning of the site and your permission to save these cookies to your device is not required. If you prefer not to have these cookies saved to your computer you can choose not to save cookies by making a change in your browsers options. But, bear in mind that if you did turn cookies off the site may not function correctly.
The information we collect and how we will use it
This site uses cookies for;
Google Analytics – allows us to measure the success of a website by obtaining information such as number of page visits, page views, average visit duration etc. We do this so that the site can be tailored to give you the best possible service.
Changes to our privacy policy
If we change our privacy policy we will publish the changes on this web page so you are always aware of the way we collect, use and disclose information.