October 2018 was an exciting time for Gleneagles Church when the purchase of a house in Wellingborough, to ‘house the homeless’, was made. Members of Gleneagles church, together with investors found by the charity Hope Into Action, had raised the required funds.
After the purchase, it took a few months to complete the furnishing and equipping of the house to make it ready and welcoming for the first tenants. Many household items were donated by members of the church.
Happily, our first tenant moved in on June 22nd this year and it is hoped a second tenant will soon follow.
The tenants are supported by an Empowerment Worker, Jayne Jones, and the Gleneagles Church Friendship and Support group. They will be helped and encouraged to make positive choices in their lives, find regular employment, manage household tasks and finances and eventually be able to move on to independent living so that the church can help a succession of homeless people to leave life on the streets.
Please pray with us for Jayne and the Friendship and Support Group which she leads, for our first tenant KP (name not made public for confidentiality reasons) and for a second tenant to be found.
God bless,
People on the earlier courses found it to be excellent so do speak to Melvyn for more information and let him or June know if you would like to do it (melvynpereira@gleneaglesanglicanchurch.co.uk or junemvpereira@yahoo.co.uk).
Many people benefited from the teaching and discussions in the Freedom in Christ course and the Steps to Freedom.
Here are some of the participants’ comments about their experiences of the course:
Latest info updated 25/09/19
Gleneagles Community Litter Pick poster
On Saturday 6th July – this Saturday – Gleneagles Church will be working alongside Wellingborough Street Pastors at the Wellingborough Carnival in Croyland Park. We will be using Street Pastors gazebo as a Prayer Tent and handing out leaflets giving people the opportunity to ask for prayer. Everyone is welcome.