In-person services
Dear All,
Good news!!! We are returning to some in-person services at Redwell School – what a joy to finally physically gather. I don’t know about you but for me it has felt completely counter intuitive not gathering in the way we were used to.
There will inevitably be mixed feelings about this, some will be very excited while others may feel nervous. Every COVID safe measure will be taken but it is important you know that no-one is under any obligation to return to in-person services until you feel safe to do so. And if you are in the extremely vulnerable category please follow the advice given by your GP.
We are starting with 3 monthly services through to June and hope to build from there. The first service will be on the 18th April. Sunday club team are working out what they will do regarding the children that morning but we are unable to offer separate groups for children during services at this stage. The other services will be All Age.
Below is a slightly sobering list of the guidelines we will need to follow. It will feel different and services will be shorter! But churches around the diocese who have opened at various stages have found that people got used to the difference and appreciated being able to meet and worship together.
Please read these guidelines carefully:
- -At this time restrictions mean we cannot have a creche area. If you have very young children you are welcome to bring some of their toys or we can provide this but they cannot be shared with another household.
- -You will need to book in for a service with Dawn Airey between the Monday and Friday in the week leading up to the service. Block bookings will not be taken in order to allow for others to attend services.
-If you have booked in for a service but develop COVID-19 symptoms please do not come to the service but let Dawn Airey know so that someone on the waiting list could be offered the opportunity to attend the service.
- -When you arrive for the service, please observe socially distancing at all times, including outside. You will be met by a welcomer who will ask you to sanitise your hands.
- -You will need to wear a face mask when you enter the building. You can take your mask off if you are supporting the service in some way (ie a reader, service leader, etc), or if you are exempt.
- -As you enter the building there will be a list of who is booked in and a seating plan of where you will be seated. You can only sit with members of your own household and/or bubble.
- -When ushered in please go straight to your seat and remain seated. Please do not wander around the building talking to others. Every seating area is at least 2m x 2m, and some are considerably bigger to allow for more than one or two per household.
- -At this time, while the band can sing (the band will be made up of a single household), the congregation is not allowed to sing during the service. But we can stand, jump and wave our arms around!!
- -We are asked to leave the building via the fire exit as soon as the service has ended. Please don’t stay behind in the building unless you are on the rota to clear/clean.
- – Unfortunately we cannot offer tea/coffee and biscuits/cake after services at this time.
- -Similarly we will not have a flowers rota for now.
- -Please adhere to Government guidelines once you are outside the building.
- -The disabled toilet will be available for use during the service. Please do not use the other toilets.
-Please try to avoid touching anything that is not necessary to touch.
Let’s pray that the guidelines are able to change as quickly as the Prime Minister is hoping!!!!
Every Blessing
Revd Dawn Airey