Monthly Archives: August 2022

Connect Groups This Autumn

From September we will be running three Connect Groups:

  • An evening group meeting on alternate Mondays at 7.30 pm. Elizabeth Holbrook is leading – please contact her for more information.
  • A Ladies daytime group, led by Chris Green – again contact Chris for more information
  • A new mixed daytime group, meeting on alternate Thursdays at 10.30 led by Greg and Helen Cracknell. This group will meet at 3 White Delves. Contact Greg for more information.

The topic for study this term will be the Acts of the Apostles, taking a thematic approach on Chapters 1 to 12, subtitled Church on the Move. These chapters in Acts, written by Luke, are at a momentous, highly significant period in the life of the Christian Church, with many lessons for us today.

There is still time to join a group. The new daytime group and the Monday evening group, in particular, have capacity for new members.

For more information please contact me at
or talk to me in Church.

Greg Cracknell


Contacts and ways to connect with us:

Amanda Allen – Parish Administrator:

Rev Dawn Airey – Vicar Tel:01933 673324




Our Ukrainian Friends


Our Ukrainian friends are staying with members of our church whilst waiting for peace in Ukraine
