Freedom in Christ course

Freedom in Christ course.

People on the earlier courses found it to be excellent so do speak to Melvyn for more information and let him or June know if you would like to do it (   or

Many people benefited from the teaching and discussions in the Freedom in Christ course and the Steps to Freedom.

Here are some of the participants’ comments about their experiences of the course:

  • “the course is gentle and is gently transformative. It’s not ‘preachy’ or heavy handed or what I would call overly evangelical”
  • “this is a developmental programme, which requires thought as well as attendance.”
  • “The course materials make it possible to revisit on my own  as I feel there is much to be gained from devoting extra time. “
  • “The course has helped me hugely in understanding how to be free from the lies I’ve believed about myself.”
  • “This was a good course with a balance of reassurance and challenge.  I’d encourage others to sign up!!”
  • “Thoroughly enjoyable, thought provoking and enlightening.  Potentially life changing.  Extremely well presented in a clear and non-threatening way, with practical tools.  One of the best Christian courses I’ve attended.”
  • “Freedom in Christ – achieves what it promises in its title!”
  • “I found the course material excellent.  I now feel equipped with the tools to tackle strongholds in my life, deepen my relationship with Jesus and mature in my faith.”
  • “I would recommend it for all Christians at some point on their Christian journey, probably the sooner the better.”
  • “The course has been very helpful.  I have really liked the ‘I CAN DO’ lists.  I found them very empowering and will repeat them again from time to time and of course, the ‘Steps to Freedom’ away day was very good.”
  • “It is rooted in the truth of the bible and that is one of the main revelations for me”
  • “if we believe the Bible, then we believe all of it, no matter how we might feel about it.”
  • ” I suspect up until now I’ve been guilty of ‘interpreting’ the bible to some extent and applying my human ‘wisdom’ to it.”
  • “What I feel challenged on, and somewhat relieved by is that if I believe the Bible to be THE TRUTH then it truly is the foundation stone on which to base the rest of my life in Christ.”
  • “I’d like to repeat it sometime in the future” with “a separate time set aside, say an evening on another day in the week to think through what I’ve taken in and introduce personal behavioral change” supporting “the old adage: ‘do it once for thought, the second time for action”.
  • “I’d like a longer Saturday training day with breaks for thinking, prayer and meditation”
  • “Great experience!”
  • “I’d encourage others to sign up!!”

Latest info updated 25/09/19
