Reaching our community

Evangelism – taking message of the love of God out to those who don’t have much or any experience or knowledge of Him.

Following our recent ‘Evangelism Consultation’ that took place on Tuesday 25th June 2019 we have decided that evangelism needs to be a high priority at Gleneagles Church and that we should take action to increase the ways in which we, as a Church, are reaching out to our community with God’s love.

We decided to begin to do occasional outreach events.  On 6th July we worked alongside the Street Pastors using their gazebo as a prayer tent.  We gave out leaflets inviting people to ask for prayer.  The rain literally put a damper on things, however we prayed with three people and had several other significant chats with people.

On 17th August we are planning to have a Prayer Activity tent at the Wellingborough Beach – see separate message.

We will be considering other such activities during the autumn, possibly based in our parish.

In the longer term, we will run the Diocesan evangelism training course, “Sharing your faith” early in 2020 and then Lent will have an evangelism emphasis for the whole church.

We will continue to meet to develop the programme and to review.


Rev Melvyn Pereira

5th August 2019
