Giving to help the church

If you need any assistance, or have any questions, please contact:

Jeremy Cox – Stewardship Officer


Mobile: 0794 111 0428


Helen Cracknell – Treasurer




Parish Giving Scheme

To set up a new direct debit or amend an existing donation for the benefit of Gleneagles Anglican Church you can phone the Parish Giving Scheme and they will be able to help you set up a new direct debit or amend your existing one.

You can contact them by phone or email.
Phone: 0333 002 1260 (Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9-5pm)     

Alternatively you can set up a new donation online either by going to the PGS website  or by using the QR code shown to locate our parish.

Website address for info-


If you do contact them, you will need to have ready:

  • Your bank account details
  • Church name – Gleneagles Anglican Church
  • Parish name – Wellingborough Gleneagles
  • PGS Parish Code – 280628404
  • Diocese – Peterborough Diocese


Big Picture Biblical Principles regarding money

  1. God owns everything (Ex 19:5, Ps 24:1): Since God is the rightful owner of everything we have, this means the money we earn actually belongs to God. Practically speaking, God calls us to manage the money we accumulate on his behalf.
  2. Money is about discipleship (Philippians 4:11-12, Matt 6:24, Luke 12:34): Money is a tool God uses to help us live and love like Jesus.
  3. Worship with your money (1 Sam 2:7): If we’re not careful, it can be easy to place our hope in money. Money is something we can hold in our hands or look at in our bank account. We feel the weight of its absence or possess a sense of self-sufficiency when we have it in abundance.
  4. Get that money (Luke 3:14, Acts 6:1, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-14): Without getting into the details about the biblical view of wealth and poverty, earning money is part of God’s way of providing for us.  Christians are encouraged to work diligently.  Since we are created in the image of God, we are hardwired to work, to create. What is more, God has commanded us to work. When it comes to God’s command to work, it was given before sin entered the world and the human heart. Work is rooted in God’s good, created order.  There are many positive benefits associated with gainful employment. However, since sin has entered the world, we will be tempted to worship work (make it our god), reject work (become lazy), or twist work (do something sinful).But we also find many examples and commands in the Bible about taking care of the poor, widows, and orphans, i.e., those who find it difficult to provide for themselves. God has provided a safety net for people in three different ways: the family, the church, and the state.
  5. Fight for contentment (Proverbs 19:23, Phil 4:11-13, Phil 4:19): We are bombarded with messages and images everywhere we go that entice us to pursue something “better.”  From wanting a new car, getting a bigger house, or coveting a promotion at work.  The world we live in compels us to be dissatisfied with who we are and what we have.  Discontentment may not sound like a big deal on the surface.  But it’s a subtle sin leading us to desire more or something different, yet it leaves us lacking and empty-handed in the end.  Living in a state of discontentment can tempt us to take on unnecessary debt.
  6. Kill greed in your heart. (Col. 3:5, Deut 8:18, Matt 13:22): There’s a good chance we probably don’t think we have a problem with greed.  Perhaps until we ask ourselves these questions:
    •  Am I satisfied with how much money I make?
    •  Do I want to purchase more things?
    •  Does my desire for more money and possessions choke out my interest in God?
  7. Be mindful of debt (Deut 28:12, Eccl 5:4, Proverbs 22:7, Luke 14:28):
    God does not forbid debt, God does highly caution against debt, Taking on debt (except a mortgage that can be re-paid) is generally a bad thing..
  8. Manage your finances (Proverbs 10:4): Make a plan, work your plan..
  9. More money, more problems (Eccl 5:10, Proverbs 23: 4-5): More money doesn’t equal less problems but could equate to greater difficulty as we try to earn or gain more.  Actually we are encouraged to simply trust God.  The heart of a problem in our finances may have more to do with whether we are worshipping money rather than worshiping with our money.
    •  God will provide for you.
    •  God is aware of your financial situation.
    •  God will forgive you if you’ve made sinful financial choices.
    •  God doesn’t want you to worry about money.
    •  God wants you to know that life is more about your relationship with God.
    •  God wants you to seek him first before you go after more money.