Environmental Policies

Diocese of Peterborough Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy for Gleneagles Parish

Caring for the environment

We are passionate about the environment. 

We have:

  • Adopted the Diocese of Peterborough Environmental Policy and the  Environment Policy for Gleneagles Parish (See above).
  • Signed up to become an ‘Eco Church’ under the A Rocha Eco Church scheme and we are working towards the highest level of award.
  • Appointed Helen Cracknell as Gleneagles Anglican Church’s Environment Champion.
  • Started the audit on the church’s energy footprint.

We will be:

  • Including God’s love for creation, the climate crisis, climate change, our duty towards environmental care and living sustainably in preaching, worship and teaching and in children and youth work within the Parish.
  • Reducing our net carbon emissions, in line with the rest of the Church of England, by 2030.
  • Seeking to care for the environment and our local community, for example creating a wildflower/natural part of the churchyard.