Alpha Course

“Alpha is an introductory course to the Christian faith that explores some of life’s big questions, such as ‘Is there more to life than this?’, ‘Who is Jesus?’, and ‘How can I make the most of the rest of my life?’. There are 3 parts to each session:

  • Food – we start each session with a meal together.
  • Talk – we watch a 20-25 min video that introduces the topic for the session. These have been designed to be engaging and interactive.
  • Discussion – an opportunity to chat with others about your thoughts on that session’s topic. It’s very low key and unpressured, and a chance to talk about questions that don’t often come up in everyday conversation. Also a chance to challenge anything from the video that you disagree with or want to think more about.

It is too late to join the first course at Gleneagles Anglican Church (as shown in the above flyer), which consists of 12 sessions plus an away day. However, if you are interested in Alpha, please do get in touch so we can let you know about the next course.”
