PCC Meeting Minutes




Minutes of the PCC Meeting

Held on Sunday 26th May 2024 after the APCM


1 Attendance
  ·        Dawn Airey (Chair), Fiona Clarke (Honorary Secretary), Helen Cracknell, Matt Ellson,
Louise Harrison, Melanie Hartung, Ben Haughton-Scales, Livvi Haughton-Scales,
Elizabeth Holbrook, and David Wells.

·      Apologies: Sam Carew, Alan Palmer, Ruth Wium.

2 Appointment of Officers
  ·        Lay Vice Chair -

Not elected at this meeting.

  ·        PCC Secretary – Fiona Clarke 

Already holds the position but no longer a voting PCC member – Honorary position.

  ·       PCC Treasurer – Lis Wells

Already holds the position. Not a voting member of the PCC.

·       Electoral Roll Officer – Marion Darker

Already holds the position. but no longer a voting PCC member.

  ·       Safeguarding Officer – John Gilyead

Already holds the position. Not a voting member of the PCC.

3 New voting PCC (including ex-officio) members’ admin
  ·       Declaration of Interest and Fitness to serve paperwork

Completed by Matt Ellson, Louise Harrison, Elizabeth Holbrook and David Wells. Sam Carew and Ruth Wium will need to complete the paperwork.

  ·       DBS and Safeguarding Training

Those new to the PCC were reminded that they need to complete their training and paperwork as soon as possible. Dawn will advise those not present.

  ·     Who’s Who

New PCC members were asked to send a photo of themselves to Fiona Clarke to be placed on the website under Who’s Who. Dawn will advise those not present.

4 Safeguarding Policy

            To be accepted at the next full PCC meeting on 10/06/2024

5 Appointment of Independent Examiner

All present voted to appoint Mrs Hannah Rawlings to continue as Independent Examiner for this year’s accounts due for next year’s APCM.

6 Dates of next meetings

·       Monday 10th June 2024 19.00.

·       Monday 1st July 2024 19.00.

7 The meeting closed at 12.10



