This Week’s Prayers and Praise

Last updated 07/02/2025

Praise God for:

  • Jesus – for the Forgiveness that flows from His sacrifice on the Cross.
  • The confirmation of our move to Glenvale School as our new home.
  • The work of agencies that support and encourage individuals with mental or physical disabilities.
  • The growing sense of community on Glenvale as the new residents start to gel and form relationships.
  • The recent swathe of tree planting across the Town.


Please pray for:

  • The situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly Goma – 1.5 million have fled their homes with a 1,000 killed.
  • Any potential political movement that restricts the inclusion of individuals who have physical or mental impairment in the world of work or society.
  • For the Holy Spirit to bring about discernment in our daily lives as we see, hear and listen to the pronouncements of politicians and commentators – that we will always recognise Biblical Truth.
  • For our Fundraising activity that will complete our desire to appoint a Children & Youth worker.


Please pray especially for: 

  • Please pray especially for: Gina; Pauline; Lynne; Mark; Kerry & Ali; Colin; Matthew; Debbie; Michelle; Heidi; Tola; Bob; Peter. May God bless them.


Some wisdom from Scripture

Psalm 55:17
Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.


And finally… A Point to Ponder

EUROPE – commentators suggest that Central and Western Europe are in a post-Christian phase, where Christian numbers and confidence are low and there is a feeling of marginalisation in the face of increased secularisation. It may fall to the vibrant faith of African, Asian and Latin American migrant churches to bring a new spiritual impetus. Check this link… Europe – Operation World


Prayer Meeting

Our weekly Tuesday Parish Prayer at 11am meets in person at the vicarage and on zoom (the link is sent via email).

God bless and protect you

Vicar – Dawn Airey (01933 673324)
