Wellingborough Street Church



  • September 2018, Maria Seaman and John Mulhall began a Lay Pioneer’s Course.
  • The final part of this course was to develop a way to reach out to people outside of the established church. Independently of each other both Maria and John had the Homeless of Wellingborough put on their hearts, and they were given the name “Street Church.”
  • As part of their research Maria and John contacted Street Church Northampton, only to discover that their contact at Street Meals was a key member of that team
  • Also, as part of their research, Maria and John went to the Redeeming our Communities (ROC) session in Wellingborough and were introduced to two people from Teen Challenge who they had heard of having tried to set up something similar to Street Church in the past.
  • A Meeting was set up with Teen Challenge and from this it was agreed to start what we would call Community Church on Palm Sunday 2019 and to continue once a month aimed at providing spiritual and physical refreshment to the homeless and socially excluded of Wellingborough
  • Over the next 10 months regular services were held with guest speakers and hot food, plus a pamper session with a barbeque and a Christmas Meal.
  • Community Church changed its name to Street Church as it linked in with Street Church Northampton
  • Covid 19 affected Street Church in that we cannot meet, but volunteers worked with other groups to work with the homeless during this time.
  • In early 2021, Street Church Northampton decided to close, and the name etc has been passed top Street Church Wellingborough to continue the work


What we do?

  • Monthly services with worship songs, readings and a talk, plus hot food and hot drinks at the Daylight Centre, on the first Sunday of each month.
  • Spend time with homeless and socially excluded


What do we need?

  • Local Churches’ Support 
    • To provide and serve hot food and drinks on a rota basis for the services
    • Guest Speakers (so far, we have had speakers from St Mark’s, Gleneagles, Street Pastors, the Gideons and Teen Challenge)
    • People to offer services at pamper sessions such as hair dressing, manicures etc.


  • Other Support
    • Financial Support


  • Prayer Support
    • Everything we do is underpinned by prayer.